Nowadays, unless you are planning to stay in Hong Kong, you can open a limited company, you can go to Hong Kong and open a company by yourself. However, the government requires your company to have an office and a secretary in Hong Kong.
The good news is that you don’t need to rent an office and hire a secretary. There are several agencies that will be happy to provide this service to you for a very less amount can be 5-6000 HKD per year. They can afford to keep the cost low because the same person can act as a secretary for a lot of companies. This is the same for an office. The office of a given agency may be the registered office address of many different companies.
Documents needed for Hong Kong company establishment and the procedures to open it:
First of all, you will need to pay the agency's fee and choose a name for your brand new company your agency will then check whether the name is available in Hong Kong or is already taken.
Then you will have to send a copy of your passport, a copy of an official document as a proof of your residence and a questionnaire within standard question such as your address, your passport number and the name of the director and shareholder (if you plan to open the company alone, you will be both director and unique shareholder) to Hong Kong.
For a simple company structure, which unless you have special requirements shall be enough your agency will set up your company via E registration, which takes less than 2 hours, to get the brand new company's certificate of incorporation and business registration certificate upon certified the relevant parties passport online for instance via Skype.